Problems, solutions and how Claudio can help

Let’s say you work on a company, small or big does not matter, and in your daylife you manage people, stuff or both and you of course deal with computers and software to do your work.

Then, we are about to show you why you strongly need Claudio.

Let’s first consider these two aspects.

Repetitive tasks and automation:

  • Have you ever noticed how many repetitive tasks are you forced to do every day at work? Specific studies (source: McKinsey & Company) had found that 45% of your work is made of such repetitive tasks. No matter the industry you work for, this is a problem that affects modern life
    • Here are just some examples of repetitive tasks:
      • Check and filter important e-mails from less important ones
      • Prepare a report from the data you manage
      • Check how many items are available in the store before to sell them
      • Check if all systems are working fine
      • Check if all equipments are working fine
      • Organize the delivery of goods for you clients
      • etc.
  • And what is the solution?
    • If you can automate only part of these tasks you can save a lot of time for better things. So, if you are tired of doing boring and repetitive tasks, discover the advantages of automation … with Claudio

Integration software and the DIY approach:

  • Companies work with many software products that need to be connected together and the cost of this integration, customized for what you need to do, is very high and may require months to be realized. Specific studies (source: Ernst & Young) says that 7-8 months are necessary to implement a new integration and that in the entire world we humans spend 389 billion dollars per year to integrate systems together. The software we are talking about may live in-house (Customer management, Enterprise resource planning, trouble ticketing management, store management, delivery management, etc.) or on the web (e-mail, facebook, twitter, Dropbox, Google drive, booking services, maps, meteo information, news, etc.).
    • Here are just some examples of systems:
      • When a client order something on your web site, you need to check the store, other scheduled orders, organize the delivery and record all transactions on your db
  • And what is the solution?
    • Whenever it is possible, instead of having an external group of people to realize the integration, Do It Youself and save time and money … by using Claudio