

Allows you to make a call to another service GreenVulcano® ESB.

Developer Studio (VulCon)/GV Console configuration

Operation node GVCore element Description
CoreCall GVCoreCallNode Allows direct invocation of a GreenVulcano® ESB core workflow.

GVCoreCallNode element allows direct invocation of a GreenVulcano® ESB core workflow, is a Flow element that extends FlowNode.
Dynamic fields can contains placeholders.

The following table shows the GVCoreCallNode element’s attributes:

Attribute Tyte Description
class fixed Thisattribute must assume the value it.greenvulcano.gvesb.core.flow.GVCoreCallNode.
op-type fixed This attribute must assume the value corecall.
dynamic optional If 'true' id-system, id-service and operation attributes can contains metadata to be resolved at runtime.
id-service required Name of service to invoke.
id-system optional Name of service's client.
operation required Name of service's operation to invoke
overwrite-sys-svc optional If 'true' SYSTEM and SERVICE fields of GVBuffer will be overwritten.
The default is 'false'.
change-log-context optional If 'true' log context is updated.
The default is 'true'.
input-ref-dp optional Name of Data Provider to use for input manipulation.
This Data Provider will receive in input a GVBuffer and must return the object to be inserted in <b>GVBuffer.object</b>.
output-ref-dp optional Name of Data Provider to use for output manipulation.
This Data Provider will receive in input a GVBuffer and must return the object to be inserted in GVBuffer.object.
change-log-master-service optional If true change the log master service with the used one (configured or calculated), in order to write log messages into a different log file.
Used only if @change-log-context is true. Default false.

and the subelements: