

DBO optimized for select operations.

Fixed attributes:

  • class: Unmodifiable. Used by GreenVulcanoESB factory framework.
  • type: Unmodifiable. Used by GreenVulcanoESB factory framework.

Implied attributes:

  • rowset-builder: Tell the engine the RowSet document creation policy. Default is standard.
  • jdbc-connection-name: DataBase connection name. Override connection defined in DBOBuilder.
  • transformation: Transformation to be used for converting internal rowset representation in user desired XML document.
  • ignore-input: Tell the engine do not use the input data.
  • output-data: The default is the value of @name-Output.
  • force-mode: Force mode of the DBO, can be used in DBOBuilder whit more heterogeneous DBO. Mode: caller
    • inherit the mode of the caller db2xml
    • data extraction mode.

Required attributes:

  • name: DBOSelect name.


DBOSelect has the followong subelements:

  • Description (optional).
  • DHVariables (optional).
  • FieldFormatters (zero, one or multiple elements).
  • statement (at least one element).


DBO optimized for select operations. Every statement is execute in a separate thread, then the results are merged before making the transformation.

Fixed attributes:

  • type: Unmodifiable. Used by GreenVulcanoESB factory framework.
  • class: Unmodifiable. Used by GreenVulcanoESB factory framework.

Implied attributes:

  • transformation: Transformation to be used for converting internal rowset representation in user desired XML document.
  • force-mode: Force mode of the DBO, can be used in DBOBuilder whit more heterogeneous DBO. Mode: caller
    • inherit the mode of the caller db2xml
    • data extraction mode.
  • output-data: The default is the value of @name-Output.
  • ignore-input: Tell the engine do not use the input data.
  • jdbc-connection-name: DataBase connection name. Override connection defined in DBOBuilder.

Required attributes:

  • name: DBOThreadSelect name.


DBOThreadSelect has the followong subelements:

  • Description (optional).
  • DHVariables (optional).
  • FieldFormatters (zero, one or multiple elements).
  • statement (at least one element).


DBO optimized for update operations.

Fixed attributes:

  • class: Unmodifiable. Used by GreenVulcanoESB factory framework.
  • type: Unmodifiable. Used by GreenVulcanoESB factory framework.

Implied attributes:

  • jdbc-connection-name: DataBase connection name. Override connection defined in DBOBuilder.
  • input-data: The default is the value of @name-Input. Can be set as the @output-data of a preceeding DBO to use its output as input.
  • force-mode: Force mode of the DBO, can be used in DBOBuilder with more heterogeneous DBO. Mode: caller
    • inherit the mode of the caller xml2db
    • data entry mode.
  • transformation: Transformation to be applied on the input data to obtain the internal XML commands.
  • ignore-input: Tell the engine do not use the input data.
  • output-data: The default is the value of @name-Output.
  • autogenerate-keys: Tell the engine to handle auto generated keys at runtime (ex. autoincrement primary key fields). Default to false.

Required attributes:

  • name: DBOUpdateOrInsert name.


DBOUpdate has the followong subelements:

  • Description (optional).
  • DHVariables (optional).
  • statement (at least one element).


DBO optimized for insert operations.

Fixed attributes:

  • type: Unmodifiable. Used by GreenVulcanoESB factory framework.
  • class: Unmodifiable. Used by GreenVulcanoESB factory framework.

Implied attributes:

  • input-data: The default is the value of @name-Input. Can be set as the @output-data of a preceeding DBO to use its output as input.
  • transformation: Transformation to be applied on the input data to obtain the internal XML commands.
  • output-data: The default is the value of @name-Output.
  • jdbc-connection-name: DataBase connection name. Override connection defined in DBOBuilder.
  • ignore-input: Tell the engine do not use the input data.
  • force-mode: Force mode of the DBO, can be used in DBOBuilder whit more heterogeneous DBO. Mode: caller
    • inherit the mode of the caller xml2db
    • data entry mode.
  • autogenerate-keys: Tell the engine to handle auto generated keys at runtime (ex. autoincrement primary key fields). Default to false.

Required attributes:

  • name: DBOInsert name.


DBOInsert has the followong subelements:

  • Description (optional).
  • DHVariables (optional).
  • statement (at least one element).


DBO running the insert, and in case of collision, the corresponding update.

Fixed attributes:

  • class: Unmodifiable. Used by GreenVulcanoESB factory framework.
  • type: Unmodifiable. Used by GreenVulcanoESB factory framework.

Implied attributes:

  • duplicate-insert-code: Specifies the error code when inserting with duplicate key.
  • input-data: The default is the value of @name-Input. Can be set as the @output-data of a preceeding DBO to use its output as input.
  • transformation: Transformation to be applied on the input data to obtain the internal XML commands.
  • output-data: The default is the value of @name-Output.
  • jdbc-connection-name: DataBase connection name. Override connection defined in DBOBuilder.
  • force-mode: Force mode of the DBO, can be used in DBOBuilder whit more heterogeneous DBO. Mode: caller
    • inherit the mode of the caller xml2db
    • data entry mode.
  • ignore-input: Tell the engine do not use the input data.

Required attributes:

  • name: DBOInsertOrUpdate name.


DBOInsertOrUpdate has the followong subelements:

  • Description (optional).
  • DHVariables (optional).
  • statement (at least one element).


DBO running the update, and if no record updated, the corresponding insert.

Fixed attributes:

  • class: Unmodifiable. Used by GreenVulcanoESB factory framework.
  • type: Unmodifiable. Used by GreenVulcanoESB factory framework.

Implied attributes:

  • force-mode: Force mode of the DBO, can be used in DBOBuilder with more heterogeneous DBO. Mode: caller
    • inherit the mode of the caller xml2db
    • data entry mode.
  • output-data: The default is the value of @name-Output.
  • jdbc-connection-name: DataBase connection name. Override connection defined in DBOBuilder.
  • transformation: Transformation to be applied on the input data to obtain the internal XML commands.
  • ignore-input: Tell the engine do not use the input data.
  • input-data: The default is the value of @name-Input. Can be set as the @output-data of a preceeding DBO to use its output as input.

Required attributes:

  • name: DBOUpdateOrInsert name.


DBOUpdateOrInsert has the followong subelements:

  • Description (optional).
  • DHVariables (optional).
  • statement (at least one element).


DBO optimized for operations on store procedures.

Fixed attributes:

  • class: Unmodifiable. Used by GreenVulcanoESB factory framework.
  • type: Unmodifiable. Used by GreenVulcanoESB factory framework.

Implied attributes:

  • output-data: The default is the value of @name-Output.
  • execute-query: Default is false.
  • ignore-input: Tell the engine do not use the input data.
  • transformation: Transformation to be applied on the input data to obtain the internal XML commands.
  • jdbc-connection-name: DataBase connection name. Override connection defined in DBOBuilder.
  • force-mode: Force mode of the DBO, can be used in DBOBuilder whit more heterogeneous DBO. Mode: caller
    • inherit the mode of the caller call
    • call procedure mode.
  • input-data: The default is the value of @name-Input. Can be set as the @output-data of a preceeding DBO to use its output as input.

Required attributes:

  • name: DBOCallSP name.


DBOCallSP has the followong subelements:

  • Description (optional).
  • DHVariables (optional).
  • CallDescriptor (zero, one or multiple elements).


DBO optimized for select operations and conversion in CSV rows.

Fixed attributes:

  • type: Unmodifiable. Used by GreenVulcanoESB factory framework.
  • class: Unmodifiable. Used by GreenVulcanoESB factory framework.

Implied attributes:

  • force-mode: Force mode of the DBO, can be used in DBOBuilder whit more heterogeneous DBO. Mode: caller
    • inherit the mode of the caller db2xml
    • data extraction mode.
  • ignore-input: Tell the engine do not use the input data.
  • jdbc-connection-name: DataBase connection name. Override connection defined in DBOBuilder.
  • output-data: The default is the value of @name-Output.
  • direct-file-path: If defined, must be a valid pathname on local file system. The output data are written into the indicated file. Can contains placeholders to be resolved at runtime.

Required attributes:

  • name: DBOFlatSelect name.


DBOFlatSelect has the followong subelements:

  • Description (optional).
  • DHVariables (optional).
  • FieldFormatters.
  • statement.


DBO optimized for select operations and conversion in CSV rows.

Fixed attributes:

  • class: Unmodifiable. Used by GreenVulcanoESB factory framework.
  • type: Unmodifiable. Used by GreenVulcanoESB factory framework.

Implied attributes:

  • ignore-input: Tell the engine do not use the input data.
  • output-data: The default is the value of @name-Output.
  • force-mode: Force mode of the DBO, can be used in DBOBuilder whit more heterogeneous DBO. Mode: caller
    • inherit the mode of the caller db2xml
    • data extraction mode.
  • jdbc-connection-name: DataBase connection name. Override connection defined in DBOBuilder.
  • direct-file-path: If defined, must be a valid pathname on local file system. The output data are written into the indicated file. Can contains placeholders to be resolved at runtime.

Required attributes:

  • name: DBOMultiFlatSelect name.


DBOMultiFlatSelect has the followong subelements:

  • Description (optional).
  • DHVariables (optional).
  • FieldFormatters (at least one element).
  • statement (at least one element).