
Allows you to perform an enqueue on a JMS destination.

GVBuffer fields will be made available through the JMS message properties:

Field        JMS
system      SYSTEM
service     SERVICE
id          ID
retCode     RET_CODE
properties  p$<property name> (only GVBuffer properties with names that 
                               are valid Java identifier are managed)

Fixed attributes:

  • class: Unmodifiable. Used by GreenVulcanoESB factory framework.
  • type: Unmodifiable. Used by GreenVulcanoESB factory framework.

Implied attributes:

  • invalidate-conn-on-pool-insertion: Indicates whether connections should be marked as invalid before reinsertion on the pool. Is significant only if the pooling feature is enabled. Default: false.
  • time-to-live: Lifetime of sent messages, in milliseconds. Upon expiration of the time-to-live the JMS server is allowed to discard the message without delivering it. This parameter is optional. If not specified it is assumed a time-to-live of one year. Default: one year.
  • decorate-message: If true the message to be enqueued is enriched with input GVBuffer properties value. Default: true.
  • ref-dp: Name of Data Provider to use. The Data Provider will return the JMS Message to send.
  • use-vcl-pool: Indicates whether to use connection pooling capabilities of the VCL. Set to false if the container provides pooling capabilities. Default: true.
  • dump-message: If true the message to be enqueued is dumped on log file, at DEBUG severity level. Default: false.

Required attributes:

  • destination-name: Destination JNDI name. Set appropriately the ‘destination-type’ parameter.
  • connection-factory: JMS connection factory JNDI name.
  • name: Operation name. Used in the ‘Flow’ section to associate workflow nodes to VCL operations.

Selective attributes:

  • delivery-mode: Specifies whether the JMS server must file on a persistent store the message before returning to the caller. Sending messages persistent slightly affects the performance but provides greater guarantees of delivery. The possible values for this parameter are:
    • persistent : guarantees delivery
    • non-persistent: don’t guarantees delivery Default: persistent.
  • priority: Message priority. The messages with higher priority will be received before messages with lower priority. The priorities set for JMS ranging from 0 (lowest priority) to 9 (highest priority). The default priority of JMS messages is 4. Default: 4.
  • destination-type: Destination type. Default: queue.
  • transacted: Specifies whether the enqueue has to open his own transaction or fall in a global transaction.
    • ‘true’ open his own transaction and do not fall in the global transaction.
    • ‘false’ fall in the active global transaction. Must be used a XA connection factory. This parameter is not relevant if the connection factory isn’t XA. Default: false.
  • acknowledge-type: In transactional enqueue acknowledgment is managed by the application server. This parameter is meaningful only for non-transactional enqueue and can take the following values:
    • ‘auto-acknowledge’: the acknowledgment from application server is automatically given upon delivery of the message.
    • ‘client-acknowledge’: the client must explicitly acknowledgment the message.
    • ‘dups-ok-acknowledge’: allows the JMS server to perform optimizations on the logic of acknowledgment messages, but can cause the redelivery of messages. Should only be used with systems that are tolerant to duplicated message. Default: auto-acknowledge.


jms-enqueue has the followong subelements:

  • Description (optional).
  • JNDIHelper (optional).
  • ServiceAlias (optional).
  • XAHelper (optional).


This element can be used for authomatic enlist and delist of XA resource in a distributed transaction.

Selective attributes:

  • auto-enlist: If true, the associated XA resource are authomatically enlisted into or delisted from the distributed transaction.
  • transaction-status: Identifies the transaction phase into which execute the delist.


XAHelper has the followong subelements:

  • Description (optional).
  • JNDIHelper (optional).