Developer Studio 2.0

GreenVulcano® 4 ESB Enterprise provides a powerful graphical designing tool “Developer Studio 2.0”. It can be used to easily build integrations among systems and to model service flows.

To create and deploy a new service with GreenVulcano® 4 ESB there’s no need to write and test new Java code! Also, new code injections in the live systems do not require GV stop and restart!

See the Developer Studio Quickstart section for further information and to understand how it is possible to create a service oriented modeling approach, avoiding developers to write new soure code or manually edit any configuration file.

See the amazing Debugger available from GreenVulcano® 4 ESB , the essential tool for your productivity. Also, from this version, Developer Studio 2.0 a complete workbench for developing complex workflows in GreenVulcano® 4 ESB.