Fixed attributes:
- name: Module Id always set to ‘HTTP_INBOUND’.
- type: Element type ‘module’.
- version.
GVAdapterHttpConfiguration has the followong subelements:
- InboundConfiguration (one element).
- Formatters (one element).
InboundConfiguration has the followong subelements:
- ActionMappings (one element).
- InboundTransactions (one element).
ActionMappings has the followong subelements:
- GVCoreActionMapping (alternative).
- ForwardActionMapping (alternative).
- RESTActionMapping (alternative).
Defines a mapping between a request Action and a configured Formatter. Used to call a GVESB Service. Input GVBuffer:
Fixed attributes:
- type: Unmodifiable. Used by GreenVulcanoESB factory framework.
- class: Unmodifiable. Used by GreenVulcanoESB factory framework.
Implied attributes:
- dump-in-out: If true enable the dump of the input/output HTTP data. Default false.
- RespContentType: ContentType to be declared while handling HTTP responses to the external system. Default to text/html and is used only if not defined by the formatter.
Required attributes:
- enabled: This parameter defines if an action must be processed.
- FormatterID.
- Action: Defines the action name, referenced by the request parameter GV_ACTION.
GVCoreActionMapping has the followong subelements:
- Description (optional).
- RetCodeConversionIn (optional).
- RetCodeConversionOut (optional).
Implied attributes:
- RetCodeConversion.
Implied attributes:
- RetCodeConversion.
Defines a mapping between a request Action and remote server. Used to perform an HTTP Forward to a remote server.
Fixed attributes:
- type: Unmodifiable. Used by GreenVulcanoESB factory framework.
- class: Unmodifiable. Used by GreenVulcanoESB factory framework.
Implied attributes:
- dump-in-out: If true enable the dump of the input/output HTTP data. Default false.
Required attributes:
- enabled: This parameter defines if an action must be processed.
- Action: Defines the action name, referenced by the request parameter GV_ACTION.
ForwardActionMapping has the followong subelements:
- Description (optional).
- endpoint (one element).
Endpoint configuration to connect to the server.
Implied attributes:
- secure: Defines if the endpoint connection is secure or not. If secure is ‘true’, the default connection protocol will be ‘http’; otherwise, the default connection protocol will be ‘https’. The default value is ‘false’.
- so-timeout: Defines the timeout to wait for a server response, in ms. Default to 30000ms.
- port: Port where the service is exposed. Can contain metadata to be resolved at runtime. Default port is ‘80’.
- context-path: Optional context path to prepend to remote URI call.
- conn-timeout: Defines the connection timeout, in ms. Default to 10000ms.
Required attributes:
- host: Host to connect to. Can contain metadata to be resolved at runtime.
endpoint has the followong subelements:
- Description (optional).
- CustomProtocol (optional).
- BasicHttpAuth (alternative).
- NTLMHttpAuth (alternative).
- Proxy (optional).
Defines a mapping between a request Action and a GV ESB workflow. Used to call a GVESB Service. Input GVBuffer:
- query string parameters (or form-url-encoded parameters) as properties
- HTTP_REQ_HEADERS contains, if requested, the request HTTP headers as xml document;
- if the request content type is application/xml or application/json or text/* the request GVBuffer object will contain String
- for other request content types the request GVBuffer object will contain a byte[] Output GVBuffer;
- HTTP_RESP_STATUS_CODE, optional, define the status response code
- HTTP_RESP_STATUS_MSG, optional, if defined the couple HTTP_RESP_STATUS_CODE and HTTP_RESP_STATUS_MSG defines the error response code
- HTTP_RESP_CHAR_ENCODING, optional, defines the response character encoding
- HTTP_RESP_CONTENT_TYPE, optional, defines the rsponse content type
- if the response content type is application/xml or application/json or text/* the response GVBuffer object must contains a byte[] a String or a Document to be serialized
- for other response content types the response GVBuffer object must contains a byte[].
Fixed attributes:
- class: Unmodifiable. Used by GreenVulcanoESB factory framework.
- type: Unmodifiable. Used by GreenVulcanoESB factory framework.
Implied attributes:
- RespContentType: ContentType to be declared while handling HTTP responses to the external system. Default to application/xml.
- dump-in-out: If true enable the dump of the input/output HTTP data. Default false.
- RespCharacterEncoding: CharacterEncoding to handle responses to the external system. Default to UTF-8.
Required attributes:
- enabled: This parameter defines if an action must be processed.
- Action: Defines the action name, referenced by the request parameter GV_ACTION.
RESTActionMapping has the followong subelements:
- Description (optional).
- OperationMappings (one element).
This element contains the mappings from request URIs/Methods and GV ESB services.
OperationMappings has the followong subelement:
- Mapping (at least one element).
This element contains the mappings from request URI/Method and GV ESB service.
Implied attributes:
- extract-headers: This parameter defines if the request headers must be extracted..
- system: Optional system name.
Required attributes:
- operation.
- pattern: Defines the rules to be matched in order to identify the request URI. The URI pattern refers to the Path component only: http://localhost:8080/gvhttp/inbound/AddressBook/entry/123 Path -> /AddressBook/entry/123 Sample mapping: /APPLICATION=AddressBook/E_COLLECTION=entry/E_UUID=\d+ The URL is splitted on / and must start with the string ‘AddressBook’, then must contain the string ‘entry’, then the last tocken must match the regular expression ‘\d+’ (must be a number of at least 1 digit). On match, the input GVBuffer will contain the following properties: APPLICATION = AddressBook E_COLLECTION = entry E_UUID = 123.
- method.
- service.
Mapping has the followong subelement:
- Description (optional).
This element contains the transaction definitions for the manged services.
InboundTransactions has the followong subelement:
- Transaction (zero, one or multiple elements).
This element contains the transaction definitions for a given service.
Implied attributes:
- system: Default to ALL.
- close-on-response: This parameter defines when transaction must be committed: before or after sending the response to the client. Default is before.
- timeout: This parameter defines the transaction timeout in seconds. Default is 30s.
Required attributes:
- transacted: This parameter defines if a service must be executed in transaction. Default is false.
- service.
Transaction has the followong subelement:
- Description (optional).
Formatters has the followong subelement:
- FormatterTypes (Go to FormatterTypes documentation) (one element).