GreenVulcano ESB JMS Forward configuration.
Fixed attributes:
- name: Module ID always set to ‘JMS_FORWARD’.
- type: Element type ‘module’.
GVForwards has the followong subelements:
- Description (optional).
- ForwardConfiguration (zero, one or multiple elements).
Implied attributes:
- full-debug: If true ALL forward operations are logged on log file, at DEBUG severity level. Use with caution. Default false.
- sleep-timeout: Sleep in ms to perform in case of error. Default to 2000 and if = 0 disable the sleep.
- dump-message: If true the dequeued message is dumped on log file, at DEBUG severity level. Default false.
- flow-system: Default System name to be used to invoke the workflow. Can be extracted from the received JMS message.
- flow-service: Default Service name to be used to invoke the workflow. Can be extracted from the received JMS message.
- ref-dp: Data Provider to be used for extract data from the received JMS message.
Required attributes:
- name: Forward configuration name.
- enabled: Property that defines if the forward must be activated.
- forwardName: Forward name. References the Core workflow.
ForwardConfiguration has the followong subelements:
- Description (optional).
- ForwardDeployment (one element).
- PreProcessor (optional).
- ErrorHandler (zero, one or multiple elements).
Define JMS details for Forward configuration.
Implied attributes:
- transaction-timeout-sec: XA transaction timeout. Default to 30 seconds.
- read-block-count: Defines the number of receive operations (succesfull or not) performd by the Listener before reinitialization. Default to 60 operations. A value of -1 means ignore count.
- maximum-size: This specifies the upper limit to the number of concurrent Listeners. Defaults to 10.
- reconnect-interval-sec: Defines the timeout between reconnection attempt on JMS connection failure. Default to 10 seconds.
- initial-size: This specifies the lower limit to the number of concurrent Listeners. Defaults to 1.
- receive-timeout-sec: Defines the receive timeout of Listener. If XA transaction are active this timeout is contained in the XA transaction timeout. Default to 1 second.
Required attributes:
- destination-type: Property that defines the type of destination.
- transacted: The transacted attribute specifies if the JMS dequeue must be executed in a XA transaction.
- connection-factory: JMS Connection factory JNDI name.
- destination: Destination JNDI name.
ForwardDeployment has the followong subelements:
- Description (optional).
- message-selector (optional).
- JNDIHelper (optional).
- XAHelper (optional).
Allows you to specify a selector for receiving messages. See the JMS documentation for the selector syntax. The properties (and their types) provided by GreenVulcanoESB for selectors are:
- SYSTEM (String)
- SERVICE (String)
- ID (String)
- RETCODE (int)
Even GVBuffer properties are present in the form of message properties. The properties are all string and their names have the prefix ‘$p’ (only GVBuffer properties with names that are valid Java identifier are managed). For example, a GVBuffer property named PROPERTY will be identified by a property name p$PROPERTY. As GreenVulcanoESB can in turn generate selectors, you can define how they should be combined with the selector specified by this element, see ‘combining’ attribute.
Selective attributes:
- combining: GreenVulcanoESB can dynamically generate selectors. This parameter defines how the dynamicselector should be combined with the selector configured to obtain the actual selector used for reception of JMS message. Can take the following values:
- dynamic-and-configured (DYNAMIC) AND (CONFIGURED)
- dynamic-or-configured (DYNAMIC) OR (CONFIGURED)
- dynamic-only DYNAMIC
- configured-only CONFIGURED
- configured-if-no-dynamic DYNAMIC != null ? DYNAMIC : CONFIGURED.
This element can be used for authomatic enlist and delist of XA resource in a distributed transaction.
Selective attributes:
- auto-enlist: If true, the associated XA resource are authomatically enlisted into or delisted from the distributed transaction.
- transaction-status: Identifies the transaction phase into which execute the delist.
XAHelper has the followong subelements:
- Description (optional).
- JNDIHelper (optional).
PreProcessor has the followong subelement:
- Validators (optional).
Validators has the followong subelement:
- preFwdValidators (Go to preFwdValidators documentation) (one element).
Handle the invocation of an error service, if configured. The ErrorHandler are checked in the same sequence as they are configured. If the ExceptionCondition element ISN’T configured the handler is active by default, and if it’s the first of the list then the others are never checked. The ExceptionCondition element must be configured to handle only GVPublicException.
Implied attributes:
- error-id_system: System to be used in errore service invocation.
Required attributes:
- error-id_service: Service to be used in errore service invocation.
- name: Instance name, used in log messages.
- error-operation: Operation to be used in errore service invocation.
- original-system-field: Name of the property to be used to contain the original System.
- original-service-field: Name of the property to be used to contain the original Service.
ErrorHandler has the followong subelements:
- Description (optional).
- ExceptionCondition (optional).
Defines a checker for Exceptions. Can match an Exception versus more definitions.
ExceptionCondition has the followong subelements:
- Description (optional).
- ExceptionDef (at least one element).
Perform a test on Exceptions.
ExceptionDef has the followong subelement:
- Description (one element).