
Defines the parameters to make a call to DataHanlder.

Fixed attributes:

  • class: Unmodifiable. Used by GreenVulcanoESB factory framework.
  • type: Unmodifiable. Used by GreenVulcanoESB factory framework.

Required attributes:

  • name: Operation name. Used in the ‘Flow’ section to associate workflow nodes to VCL operations.


dh-call has the followong subelements:

  • Description (optional).
  • RetrieverConfig (optional).
  • DBOBuilder (at least one element).


Allows you to define helper for use in DataHandler data transformations.


RetrieverConfig has the followong subelements:

  • Description (optional).
  • GenericRetriever (optional).
  • TableRetriever (optional).
  • JavaScriptRetriever (optional).


Allows you to define helper running SQL select and return the first field of the first selected record as string.

Fixed attributes:

  • class: Unmodifiable. Used by GreenVulcanoESB factory framework.
  • type: Unmodifiable. Used by GreenVulcanoESB factory framework.


GenericRetriever has the followong subelements:

  • Description (optional).
  • DataRetriever (zero, one or multiple elements).


Defines a helper function. Can contains the following placeholders:

  • fixed : a text string;
  • $ : a System property name;
  • sp : a System property name;
  • env : an Environment variable value;
  • @ : a inProperties property name;
  • timestamp : return the current timestamp, in optional tZone value, formatted as ‘pattern’
  • dateformat : reformat ‘date’ from ‘source-pattern’ to ‘dest-pattern’, and optionally from ‘source-tZone’ to ‘dest-tZone’
  • decode : evaluate as if-then-else; if ‘field’ is equal to cond1…n, return the value of val1…n, otherwise ‘default’
  • decodeL : is equivalent to ‘decode’, with the difference that ‘condX’ can be a list of values separated by ‘sep’
  • script : evaluate a ‘lang’ script, using the base context ‘scope’
  • js : evaluate a JavaScript script, using the context ‘scope’
  • ognl : evaluate a OGNL script
  • sql : execute a select sql statement sql and return the value of the first field of the first selected record. The ‘conn’ parameter is the JNDI name of a DataSource
  • sqllist : execute a select sql statement sql and return the value of the first field of all selected records as a ‘sep’ separated list. The ‘conn’ parameter is the JNDI name of a DataSource The ‘sep’ parameter defaults to comma
  • sqltable : executes a select sql statement and returns all values of returned cursor as an XML. The ‘conn’ parameter is the JNDI name of a DataSource.

Implied attributes:

  • signature: Comma-separated list of parameters name to be substituted in the function.
  • cacheable: If true the calculated function value, for the given parameters set, is cached for future access during the service processing. The cache is canceled at service end. Default false.

Required attributes:

  • method: Helper function name.


Allows you to define helper running SQL select and return the result as an XML string in following form:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Fixed attributes:

  • class: Unmodifiable. Used by GreenVulcanoESB factory framework.
  • type: Unmodifiable. Used by GreenVulcanoESB factory framework.


TableRetriever has the followong subelements:

  • Description (optional).
  • DataRetriever (zero, one or multiple elements) [previously described].


Allows you to define helper running JavaScript code and return a string.

Fixed attributes:

  • type: Unmodifiable. Used by GreenVulcanoESB factory framework.
  • class: Unmodifiable. Used by GreenVulcanoESB factory framework.


JavaScriptRetriever has the followong subelements:

  • Description (optional).
  • DataRetriever (zero, one or multiple elements) [previously described].


DataHandler service.

Fixed attributes:

  • class: Unmodifiable. Used by GreenVulcanoESB factory framework.
  • type: Unmodifiable. Used by GreenVulcanoESB factory framework.

Implied attributes:

  • output-data: The default is the value of @output-data of the last DBOxxx.
  • isXA: If the service is transacted, this attributes indicates if partecipate in a distributed transaction or not. If ‘false’ the DataHandler handle a local transaction. Default false.
  • make-dump: If set to ‘none’ not perform the input/output data dump. If set to ‘text’ or ‘hex’ then the dump is performed as text or hexadecimal string. Defaut to ‘text’.
  • transacted: Defines if the services must be executed in transaction. Default true.

Required attributes:

  • jdbc-connection-name: DataBase connection name. Is overridden by the DBO_JDBC_CONNECTION_NAME property value, if set.
  • name: Service name.


DBOBuilder has the followong subelements:

  • Description (optional).
  • DHAliasList (optional).
  • DHVariables (optional).
  • dbo_types (Go to dbo_types documentation) (one element).
  • XMLMerge (optional).


List of aliases for a given DataHandler service.


DHAliasList has the followong subelements:

  • Description (optional).
  • DHAlias (at least one element).


Alias for a DataHandler service.

Required attributes:

  • alias: Nome univoco dell’alias.


DHAlias has the followong subelement:

  • Description (optional).


List of default values for DataHandler service’s variables.


DHVariables has the followong subelement:

  • DHVariable (zero, one or multiple elements).


Default value for DataHandler service’s variable.

Required attributes:

  • name: Variable name.
  • value: Variable value. Can contains the following placeholders:
    • fixed : a text string;
    • $ : a System property name;
    • sp : a System property name;
    • env : an Environment variable value;
    • @ : a inProperties property name;
    • timestamp : return the current timestamp, in optional tZone value, formatted as ‘pattern’
    • dateformat : reformat ‘date’ from ‘source-pattern’ to ‘dest-pattern’, and optionally from ‘source-tZone’ to ‘dest-tZone’
    • decode : evaluate as if-then-else; if ‘field’ is equal to cond1…n, return the value of val1…n, otherwise ‘default’
    • decodeL : is equivalent to ‘decode’, with the difference that ‘condX’ can be a list of values separated by ‘sep’
    • script : evaluate a ‘lang’ script, using the base context ‘scope’
    • js : evaluate a JavaScript script, using the context ‘scope’
    • ognl : evaluate a OGNL script
    • sql : execute a select sql statement sql and return the value of the first field of the first selected record. The ‘conn’ parameter is the JNDI name of a DataSource, if not defined is used the current connection
    • sqllist : execute a select sql statement sql and return the value of the first field of all selected records as a comma separated list. The ‘conn’ parameter is the JNDI name of a DataSource, if not defined is used the current connection
    • sqltable : executes a select sql statement and returns all values of returned cursor as an XML. The ‘conn’ parameter is the JNDI name of a DataSource.


DHVariable has the followong subelement:

  • Description (optional).