
HTTP VCL plugin to call HTTP methods on remote servers.

Fixed attributes:

  • type: Unmodifiable. Used by GreenVulcanoESB factory framework.
  • class: Unmodifiable. Used by GreenVulcanoESB factory framework.

Required attributes:

  • name: Operation name. Used in the ‘Flow’ section to associate workflow nodes to VCL operations.


http-call has the followong subelements:

  • Description (optional).
  • endpoint (one element).
  • method (one element).


Endpoint configuration to connect to the server.

Implied attributes:

  • secure: Defines if the endpoint connection is secure or not. If secure is ‘true’, the default connection protocol will be ‘http’; otherwise, the default connection protocol will be ‘https’. The default value is ‘false’.
  • so-timeout: Defines the timeout to wait for a server response, in ms. Default to 30000ms.
  • port: Port where the service is exposed. Can contain metadata to be resolved at runtime. Default port is ‘80’.
  • context-path: Optional context path to prepend to remote URI call.
  • conn-timeout: Defines the connection timeout, in ms. Default to 10000ms.

Required attributes:

  • host: Host to connect to. Can contain metadata to be resolved at runtime.


endpoint has the followong subelements:

  • Description (optional).
  • CustomProtocol (optional).
  • BasicHttpAuth (alternative).
  • NTLMHttpAuth (alternative).
  • Proxy (optional).


Method to execute to the server.

Implied attributes:

  • ref-dp: Name of Data Provider to use to prepare the request.
  • uri-escaped: If true the request-uri is already escaped, if false (WARNING!!!) the uri is escaped by the plug-in. Default to true.

Required attributes:

  • request-uri: Request URI. Can contain placeholders.
  • name: Method name.
  • method: Request URI. Can contain placeholders.