MongoDB call operation.
Fixed attributes:
- type: Unmodifiable. Used by GreenVulcanoESB factory framework.
Implied attributes:
- client-jndi-name: The JNDI name of the MongoClientProvider instance.
Required attributes:
- database: The db name. Can contain placeholder to be decoded at runtime.
- collection: The resource (MongoDB collection) on which the operations on the db are performed. Can contain placeholder to be decoded at runtime.
- name: Operation name. Used in the ‘Flow’ section to associate workflow nodes to VCL operations.
mongodb-call has the followong subelements:
- Description (optional).
- insert (alternative).
- find (alternative).
- update (alternative).
- delete (alternative).
- aggregate (alternative).
The MongoDB insert data in JSON format. Can contain placeholder to be decoded at runtime.
Selective attributes:
- transactional: Enable/Disable transactionailty.
Find operation for MongoDB. Specify at least the search query in the specified configuration child.
Implied attributes:
- offset: The offset for data results pagination. Can contain placeholder to be decoded at runtime.
- limit: The limit for data results pagination, the numbero of records shown per page. Can contain placeholder to be decoded at runtime.
find has the followong subelements:
- Description (optional).
- query (one element).
- sort (optional).
- projection (optional).
The MongoDB update data in JSON format. Can contain placeholder to be decoded at runtime.
Selective attributes:
- transactional: Enable/Disable transactionailty.
- upsert: Enable/Disable upsert.
update has the followong subelement:
- filter (zero, one or multiple elements).
Aggregate operation for MongoDB. Specify at least the JSON formatted search query in the specified configuration child.
aggregate has the followong subelement:
- stage (at least one element).