Defines the parameters for calling a Web Service.
Fixed attributes:
- class: Unmodifiable. Used by GreenVulcanoESB factory framework.
- type: Unmodifiable. Used by GreenVulcanoESB factory framework.
Required attributes:
- name: Operation name. Used in the ‘Flow’ section to associate workflow nodes to VCL operations.
ws-call has the followong subelements:
- Description (optional).
- AxisWebServiceInvoker (one element).
Fixed attributes:
- type: Unmodifiable. Used by GreenVulcanoESB factory framework.
- class: Unmodifiable. Used by GreenVulcanoESB factory framework.
Implied attributes:
- service: Service name.
- timeout: Timeout in seconds.
- throwsFault: If true throws Exception “Error invoking operation”. If false returns the Fault response. Default to false.
- returnType: Defines how to set the response data in the object field of output GVBuffer:
- context : the MessageContext
- envelope : the envelope as XML serialized as string
- body : the body as XML serialized as string
- body-element : the first child of body as XML serialized as string
- header : the header as XML serialized as string
- envelope-om : the envelope as OMMessage
- body-om : the body as OMMessage
- body-element-om : the first child of body as OMMessage
- header-om : the header as OMMessage Default: context.
- use-saaj: Defines whether to use SAAJ to invoke the WebService mode instead of the default Axis2 mode. NOTE: If you choose to use SAAJ as a way of calling the WebService, Axis2 modules are not enabled.
- emptyAction: If true the SOAPAction header is not set in the request Default to false.
- ref-dp: Name of Data Provider to use to prepare the request.
- serviceNS: Service NameSpace.
- portName: Port Name.
Required attributes:
- operation: Operation name.
AxisWebServiceInvoker has the followong subelements:
- Description (optional).
- XPathNamespace (zero, one or multiple elements).
- WSDLInfo (one element).
- BasicHttpAuth (alternative).
- NTLMHttpAuth (alternative).
- Proxy (optional).
- EngageModule (zero, one or multiple elements).
Defines a namespace that can be used in XPath. The ‘gvesb’ prefix is reserved.
Implied attributes:
- namespace: Namespace. If not set, the prefix is associated to the default namespace.
Required attributes:
- prefix: Namespace prefix.
XPathNamespace has the followong subelement:
- Description (optional).
Return a WSDL through his URL.
Fixed attributes:
- type: Unmodifiable. Used by GreenVulcanoESB factory framework.
Implied attributes:
- ws-endpoint-url: Override the endpoint URL defined in the wsdl. Is overridden by the WS_ENDPOINT_URL GVBuffer’s property value.
Required attributes:
- wsdl: WSDL file URL.
WSDLInfo has the followong subelement:
- Description (optional).